Parish Information
Parish Information Guide
The Ministry of the Church does not begin with Ordination but with Baptism. At St. Mark’s all of our baptized members are encouraged to use their God given spiritual gifts and talents for the building up of this branch of Christ’s Church.
In this information you will find an introduction to the diverse opportunities for ministry, fellowship, and leadership at St. Mark’s. Please seek out those areas that you are attracted to, and add your richness to our Parish life. We welcome your participation and your leadership in our organizations, activities and groups. We welcome your participation in helping to make St. Mark’s even better. Don’t just wait to be asked but offer your various gifts for the Lord’s work. Jesus is in need of witnesses.
We are an exciting and growing Parish family who will be blessed by your participation in our common life and worship.
Past & Present
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church was organized in 1847 under the sponsorship of St. John’s Church of Oakdale, a parish formed in 1769 and one of the oldest in Suffolk County. St. Mark’s, in turn, sponsored:
- Christ Church, Babylon
- St. Peter’s, Bay Shore
- Emmanuel, Great River
- The Church of the Messiah, Central Islip
- Christ Church, Brentwood.
The present Church building, of Norwegian Stave design, and the Rectory were completed in 1880. In 1890 the church was enlarged and the parish house built. In 1989 the church was damaged by an arson fire and has been lovingly restored. The stained glass windows, including many by Tiffany, are world famous. In 2007 All Souls’ Chapel and Columbarium were consecrated and put into active use.
Sunday School - The Happiest Place at St. Mark's
Our Sunday School begins the Sunday after Labor Day and finishes in May.
Our children come to church with their parents, then leave with their teachers from the communion rail for 35-40 min. of formation time. In the winter & spring, second-graders are invited to join a communion course during this time, culminating with a Eucharist Celebration on a Sunday in Eastertide.
Coffee Hour
The Coffee Hour follows the 9:15 a.m. service every Sunday from September through June. Volunteers are always welcome to act as hosts and set up for that Sunday between 8:00 – 8:15 a.m. This is a great service to the church and you will enjoy meeting new friends.
Time, Talent, Treasure
Please give of your time, talent and treasure to support our beloved St. Mark’s Church. Request a pledge card and a copy of the Parish Information Form available from the church office.
Long Island Episcopal Cursillo
Cursillo, a worldwide movement of the Christian Church strives to Christianize environments through Christian communities in action.
Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning “short course”. The three-day Cursillo weekend provides a living experience: meeting Christ, fellow Christians, and experiencing how they live. It is a joyous workshop where everyone learns by experiencing a living Christian community.
Troop 151 Boy Scouts of America
St. Mark’s Troop #151 is one of the oldest continual troops on Long Island. The Troop’s Scoutmaster is Bob Sgroi, The Boy Scouts meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. up in Fenton Hall. Please call the church office for more information at (631) 581-4950.
ECW (Episcopal Church Women)
Welcome back! All our meetings start at 7:00 p.m. Contact Robyn LoCricchio (516) 459-2976 for more information.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
This is a men’s organization within the International Anglican Church responsible for prayer and understanding, inter- pretation of the scriptures, and the spread of the Holy Word of God, through the Gospel. This Chapter has always included many of our “South Shore” Churches, We meet on the 4th Monday in All Souls’ Chapel.
"The Sunday Bulletin"
The weekly bulletin given out by the ushers as you enter the church each week, includes:
- The program for the services
- Events of the following week
- List of people needing our prayers
- Other items of interest to the congregation
The deadline for entries for the weekly bulletin is Wednesday of the preceding week.
"The Message"
A monthly mailing, The Message includes:
- Articles written by the Clergy & Wardens
- Upcoming events
- Parish Exchange with ads for a nominal fee
- Parish Register listing the marriages, baptisms and deaths during the previous month
- Announcements of Parish Family News, i.e. births, college awards.
The deadline for items for the Message is the 16th of the preceding month.